Seed Sessions
A series of curated gatherings celebrating the fusion of nature and creativity.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of changing seasons at our creative salons. Each event unfolds with 3-4 live offerings, spanning the realms of music, poetry, dance, literature, environmental speakers, and beyond. These intimate experiences are designed to bring together the community within the enchanting surroundings of The Verdancy Project property.
Get ready to be transported to a realm of natural beauty and creativity.
Each Seed Sessions is a celebration of the performing arts and the changing seasons.
Listen to sonnets while lying in the grass staring at the clouds
Be serenaded while dangling your feet in Beaver Creek
Immerse yourself in a performance in our nature library
Spring Salon - March 16th - Sowing seeds and reawakening
Summer Salon -June 22nd - Growth and blooming
Autumnal Salon -Sept 21st - Harvest and Abundance
Winter Salon -Dec 21st - Rest and dormancy
To maintain the intimacy of the experience, we will have 15 spots available for each salon. Each guest is encouraged to fill their vehicle with as many people as they can fit.
Two - Three weeks before the event we will send out an email with information on how to reserve your spot. Tickets are on a first come first served basis. All events take place in Troutdale, OR and the address will be sent with the invitations.
There is no charge to attend these events, if you enjoyed your experience there will be an opportunity to donate to the performers.