Winter Seed Session- Rest and Dormancy

  • Briana Ratterman Trevithic

    For this final seed session, on the longest night of the year, Briana Ratterman Trevithic will be offering a kind of personal story about femininity and change, endings and beginnings, sprinkled with a few original songs, herbal tea infusions, and little gifts for folks to take home. “Endings have their magic, too. Winter squash on withered vines, apples just before the leaves fall. And nothing is ever really lost; nothing is ever really gone. Even if we forget, the land holds the memories for us, and everything returns to the soil.”

  • Isabel McTighe

    Isabel will facilitate a group performance/experiment in slowing down. Inspired by the pace and timing of trees, we will explore, somatically, how to grow during times of rest. Let us reach (slowly, slowly) toward the sky, even as the sap slows and the air stills and the world turns inward. Let us continue rooting together in the underground. All are welcome to participate, through movement, as an observer and well wisher, or a mixture of both. 

  • Jeff Jensen and Shawn Kelly

    Mixing poetry with electronic landscapes, Jeff Jensen and Shawn Kelly (Invisible Objects) will present a first time performance in honor of The Feast of Juul.

  • Brooke Kuhnhausen

    Brooke will create a winter solstice altar to honor the deep stillness, beauty, and dreaming time of Winter.  Snowy owls, the radiance of frost, and the deep velvety darkness of Solstice all serve as portals of Presence and quiet nourishment that helps us touch our Wild imagination. Candlelight reminds us of warm hearths, cheer, and togetherness that bolster our hearts during this season as the turning of the year towards Light. Even though winter is a time of quietness in the earth, there is still tender music to hear and nourishment to smell and taste from the forest too and the Altar will have sensory elements to play with and savor.  Bring your dreaming mind and hearts into this Winter Altar and solstice celebration