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Summer Seed Session

  • The Verdancy Project Troutdale USA (map)

Join us for our Summer Seed Session Salon
Date: Saturday, June 22nd
Time: 6-8:30pm
Location: Troutdale, OR
Tickets are very limited, reserve your spot here.

Our theme for the Summer salon is Growing and Blooming and we are thrilled to feature:

Alasdair Mackenzie - 18 Bees - Alasdair will be discussing natural beekeeping in log hives and the healing power of bees.

Madeline Ross - Co-founder of Renegade Opera, will serenade you with enchanting opera arias in harmony with the beauty of the landscape. 

Conor Eifler - Conor will be picking at his banjo and reading/performing/workshopping an excerpt from a piece-in-progress featuring some communal make-believe and a reimagined folk story.

Brooke Kuhnhausen - Brooke will create an altar for the Summer Solstice, drawing on the beauty of the earth, seasonal myth and poetry, playful imagination, and sensory invitation.

Activities include honey tasting, nature weaving, and enjoying the wonderful offerings of Alasdair, Conor, and Brooke.

Tickets are very limited, if you reserve a ticket and can’t make it please let us know so we can release it to someone else. After reserving your spot you will be sent an email with the address and more info.

There is no charge to attend these events, if you enjoy your experience there will be an opportunity to donate to the performers.

Please note, that tickets are per car, reserve 1 “car” ticket and bring as many people as will fit in your vehicle. Do not reserve a ticket for each person.

May 11

What If Book: A Journey of Personal Affirmation and Creativity

June 29

Painting with Nature - Creating with Minerals, Rocks, and Soil