Barb Burwell - She/Her
Listen - Gather - Reminisce explores the concept of the landscape as a witness, what a specific site might become if left unattended, the visual stories that may emerge, and how I enter into a collaborative conversation with that space. The landscape becomes a storyteller, and I imagine its language as shapes. I have translated what I hear into a visual vocabulary reflecting the essential aspects of those shapes, reducing them to their most potent forms, responding with gesture and abstraction. These stories and shapes have become the fiber pieces, placed within a dynamic environment where both reside.
Barb will have art available on her website for purchase that has been created in concert with the Terra Incognita installation.
Multidisciplinary artist Barb Burwell works as a curator of gathered ideas and information. "Looking Out Looking In," her current body of work, explores the concept of one's internal/external landscape and how specific locations connect to feelings of nostalgia. Her work is a collection of conceptual, metaphorical and visual perspectives and is a direct response to her experiences collected afield, by witnessing the landscape, and experiencing the surroundings of the Pacific Northwest. She was awarded a BFA from Pacific NW College of Art, has taught in private and public art education, and currently works from her Portland, Oregon-based studio.
“This project allows me to think about my work in new ways and work outside my usual studio practice. The Verdancy Project becoming activated with different art pieces is exciting. As is seeing how the other participating artists respond to the landscape and their approach the theme of Terra Incognita. ”